Mon 06 Jan
50 Specials all night 💋🍫😘♞New Passionate ebony MODLE 💦💦super soaker - 30 - 30
(Killeen,heights,temple, belton, cove, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
******** (( 50 )) MiXxeD SeXxy SweeT YOuNG 20 HOtT JuIcey Mellons;) (( 50 )) ********* - 50
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen/Cove/Heights)
(¯Lacy Love`'.¸ :¦:-* LT Me ★ FiNiSH WHÂT ★ Y0UR YS ★ STÂRTD *-:¦.'´¯) - - - 20
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen)
Naughty & Naked COMING SOON***Trixie***100% Real **Relaxation SPC**Massage included ***IN CALL*** - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Incall& OUTCALLS Freakiest on bp [✔] Likes To Party [✔] New N Town214 289 6462) - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen in and out calls)
LATINA ♛ ♥°° REAL PLEASER ღ ;·.¸.·´¯ UP ALL NIGHT *254- 245-4874** SPeCiALS - 23
(killeen 254 245 4874)
🔥🔥looking to turn up the heat? well look no further🔥🔥 - 22
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, everywhere)
In Town For Some FUN - " CUBAN MAMI & IRISH BLONDIE " - 2 Sexy Ladies - VISITing - - 21
::::L __ I __ M __ I__ T__ E __D :::___ ×× ___ ::: E__ D__ i__ T__ i __O__ N::: - 25
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
Leaving soon 100 specials_💙20 mins •• _💙_ 💙_ •Book now!_💙_ 💙 - 21
(Killeen/Fort Hood, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun! - 19
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, anywhere you want me!)
Married Mans Best Kept Secret - SPECIALS All Night! - 19
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, In town)
EXOTIC BRAZILIAN BEAUTY PARIS...true to the definition of escort great companionship for businessmen - 100
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen,cove,temple,harker heights)
Forget the rest and come to the best Lady Black Cat is here for you. - 28
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
❤️⬛💚⬛💛 HOT ⬛💜⬛❤️⬛ ★WILD ★ ❤️⬛💚⬛💛 ⬛💜 AMAZING ⬛❤️⬛KOREAN DOLL ★★ ❤️⬛💚347-481-8672 ⬛❤️⬛ - 20
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, ⬛💜⬛❤️⬛ ★ ⬛💜⬛❤️⬛ ★ ⬛💜⬛❤️⬛ ★KILLEEN)
Last Hours For Miss Marie, $100 (Hr) AnyThing Else Regular Donation 254-291-4106 - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 190 & Trimmer)
IN TOWN NOW! 💖 Ultimate Girl Next Door 💖 Blonde Bombshell 💖 NEW NUMBER - 24
(killeen incall, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
IM »-★-» GONNA »-★-» TAKE »-★-» MY »-★» TIME » ★ Ari's BACK - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen incall only)
°°❤°° || aVaiLaBLe NoW || °°❤$50 $❤°° || aVaiLaBLe NoW || °°❤°° - 19
**Sexy long legs flexible ,long leg ,petite Ebony visiting Austin - 22
(Austin, North Austin by 290)
[][% SUpeR FreaK____GiVe iT 2 Me BabY____I taKe It hoWeveR![][ - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN)
These Lips&Hips; are Skilled2 Perfection Amazeing Talent($100hr) - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen ill come 2 u or u can come 2 me)
**•-:¦:-•**TWO GIRL SPECIAL**•-:¦:-• **Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE**•-:¦:-•** - 20
(Austin, incall/outcall)
S*w*e*e*t D*e*l*i*g*h*t -- Your Treat Tonight!!
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, 10 minutes away)
** Specialized in MENS pleasure ~ OUTCALL and INCALL!!! New pics! - 32
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN INCALL/OUTCALL)
☆🍭🍦🍰♥Treat Urself Dont Cheat Urself♥Elisabeth💋 is╚••• ►NICE n' CURVY 💗 BIG BOOTY◄••• ╝Special - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen/temple/ft.hood In calls)
"SPECIAL" "special discount" # 1 Stunner I can show u better then i can tell u! - 27
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen texas)
✨💋 Platinum Busty Bl0NDE! Up All NIGHT Early Morning! 🌜 24/7 ✨💋 - 37
(Killeen/incall, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Sexy Bbw Here To Bring Yu The Most Realxin&Greatest; Satisfaction U Could Only Imagine Gaurentee - 25
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Sexy Erotic Coco exotic SEXY curves with CRAZY SPECIALS .... Mixed Cutie *AVAILABLE NOW* - 19
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen)
PoPuLaR DeMaNd*~* EbOnY TrEaT *~* SeXy *~* juice*~* DiScReEt *~* 9032442711 *~*~* - 29
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, harker heights)
L {?} {?} K==? {M*E*L*Y*S*S*A }~ {W*a*N*t*S} ~{2_ B}~ {U*R}~ {BLonDe} ~ {AddiCTiON} (Specials) - 30
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Killeen In/Out)
(killeen/ft hood/temple/cove and surrounding areas)
Angel Sweet Sexy Angel Unforgettable Delicious Angel - - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Veterans memorial)
___ B _______ E ________ A ________ U ________ T _______ I ________ F ________ U ________ L ____ - 18
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, in/out)
California Girl In Texas Super Freak In Killeen Come Play With Me I'm So Lonely New In Town - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen Tx, Off Central Texas Exp)
✨🌟💦Busty BlONDE! U Will LOVE 💕My Talented TONGUE! 👅Let LOOSE 💦 On My 38Gs! 50/70/140✨💦🌟 - 37
(INCALL / KILLEEN, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
★ BuBBLe BuTT★SeXY CuRVeS★ BeauTiFuL FaCe ★EboNY FrEaK>;>80 SPECIALS - - 23
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Veteranes Memorial)
$$ AVaILABLE NoW ** ♔..let MeTake U 2 PaRaDI$e♔ ♔ - 21
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, Central Express FreeWay)
------------- 1 O o % Me!! BuSTy bLoNde BomBsheLL! - KOURTNEY!! -----SMoKiN HoTT! !!------
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, - - - Incall Killeen & Outcall Avail - -)
Sun 05 Jan
🌺$¡nGle✨M@n§✨B€§TfR¡€nD & MArr¡€D✨MAn§✨B€§T k€pT $€r€cT🙊💦 - 25
(Killeen, harker heights, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
🚨🚧⚠🌊⛆💦CAUTION SLiPPeRy WheN WET🌊⛆💦⚠🚧🚨Thick, Sexy ,Freaky ,Moist,and Ready for You💧👅🤑 - 29
(Killeen, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood)
Visiting! ×°× V ®Y F- R - E - A- K -Y G i RL 8o$ OUTCALL sPECIALS - 22
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, 80$ SPECIAL @your place only)
Up All Nite!!!! SEXY Trender 18Yr Old!!!! IMPEECABLE SKILLS!!!! - 18
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, KILLEEN,TEMPLE.WACO,C.C.)
☆ *ViSiTiNg N0W!* SeXy&&NaUghTy; ((♥ Eb0Ny H0TTie ♥)) *xXx GiRL-NeXt-DoOr* ☆ - 22
(☆::In-0ut *24/7*::☆)
§§§§Specials$70Beautiful mixed woman§§§¤§§§¤outcall only§§¤¤¤°§§¤¤¤24/7 - 24
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen Texas (incall24/7))
Tha 1sT, Tha 1&oNLy; oRiGiNaL ** BeST MouTH iN tHe SouTH ** - 26
(Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, killeen hieghts temple)